With the nice weather slowly starting to arrive, the outdoor is calling us! In addition to allowing us to practice many physical activities, nature has many benefits for our bodies. Both mentally and physically, you will gain a lot by increasing your time spent outside! Here are some of the benefits that nature brings us:

Stimulates endorphin and dopamine levels

We've all been through tough times, but did you know that one way to help our moral is to spend some time outdoors? When we are surrounded by nature, our body thanks us by increasing our levels of endorphins and dopamine, hormones present in our body and decreasing cortisol, the stress hormone. This will make us feel happier and be in a better mood. So don't hesitate to take the time to sit and observe the landscape after a hike in the woods. Put down your hiking backpack, like the Approach Touring Ski Backpack, which can easily be used all year round on your getaways, take out your snacks, hydrate and relax! 

Stimulates creativity

You know that moment when you're desperate for inspiration to start or finish an art project, well, in nature, it rarely happens. Indeed, nature is inspiring! Alone among the trees, your mind can reach its full potential without distraction. A perfect plan for creating beautiful art!

Provides an opportunity to disconnect

With so much technology, it can be hard to take a break for some fresh air. Taking a walk outside can really help you enjoy the moment without checking your cell phone. By being at one with nature, you can relax and observe the world around you from a different perspective.

Enjoy the sun

The production of vitamin D is activated by the sun's rays, the UV rays. This vitamin helps to strengthen the bones, which is good for everyone! It only takes 15 to 30 minutes of exposure per day to activate vitamin D synthesis. However, it is important not to forget the sun protection! Slip a tube of sunscreen into the front pocket of your K&B Sport brand Touring backpack to make sure you are well protected. 

Helps physical health

Finally, no one can deny that the outdoors greatly encourages physical activity. Outside, we tend to be much more active than inside. So, the more time you spend in nature, the more you will improve your physical health. Whether it's a short walk in a nearby park or a long hike in the woods, all activities done outside are beneficial to your health! 

So don't wait any longer; pack your K&B Sport bag according to the activity you're planning, and you'll be ready to enjoy your day outdoors!
