Canada has more lake area than any other country in the world, with 563 lakes and roughly 1.42 million lakes worldwide, if you don’t count the ones smaller than 10 hectares. As of now, roughly 80% of the world’s wastewater is dumped, untreated, back into not only lakes, but any body of water including rivers and oceans. This clearly poses a problem not only to the health of the planet, but to humans as well.

 During the hot summer months, people like to take part in many outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, paddle boarding, picnicking and all sorts of other outdoor and aquatic activities. When participating in this fun it is important to remember that you are in nature, surrounded by water and wildlife and it is important to stay conscious and responsible about our garbage to make sure we avoid pollution. 

Let’s say you’re out on a hike or camping with friends and family, you have a fun day planned and your K&B Sport BKP1004KB mini adventure backpack is packed with many yummy snacks and toys to use. Now that its peak summer weather, you’re hot, sweaty, and tired and just want to relax, eat, and have fun, remember that nature is not a garbage can, and you have to put your trash back in your backpack to avoid it getting into lakes and other water ways. You don’t want to find yourself swimming in plastic, do you? Also, if you want to wash your hands in the water, make sure to use biodegradable soap. Better for both your hands and the lakes! 

Another way you can preserve and take care of lakes is by using reef safe sunscreen when out on the water. If you want to take the K&B Sport PAD1009KB paddle board out on the lake on a hot summer day to have a refreshing dip in the water, of course you need to lather up in sunscreen to protect yourself from the suns rays but please make sure you are also protecting the lakes and their habitants by applying a reef safe sunscreen to avoid fish from ingesting nasty chemicals.
